Family Day Fun

Saturday February 15th

1-2 pm ……………………      Free public skating Theme: Wear your favourite colour from head to toe. Prizes to be awarded.

12:30 – 2 pm ………………..OPP have a display

1:30 – 2:30 pm…………….Cupcake decorating in atrium

2-3 pm ……………………… Sponge Puck – test your shooting speed – OPP radar gun on site

5:30-8 pm …………………. Candlelit Snowshoe at McLeans Park- hosted by 1st Manitowaning Girl Guides


Sunday February 16th

7 -8:30 pm  ………………. Night Sliding *Twisted Sister is providing free hot chocolate, hot apple cider and popcorn. Located at sliding hill.

8:30 pm …………………….Fireworks

Fireworks will take place at the Assiginack fairgrounds at 59 Vankoughnet St. There is parking in the arena parking lot and at the sliding hill. No one can park on the track as that is where they will be lighting the fireworks. Thank you to the Assiginack Fire Department that will be lighting the fireworks. This is funded by the Township of Assiginack and the Government of Canada.