To Be Held in the Council Chambers
Tuesday, February 6th, 2018 at 5:00 p.m.
Council’s Regular Meeting Agenda
For consideration:
a) Adoption of Agenda
b) Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof
a) Regular Council Meeting of January 16, 2018
b) Assiginack Public Library Board Meeting of December 11, 2017
c) Manitoulin Centennial Board of Management Meeting of December 14, 2017
d) Sudbury & District Board of Health Meeting of January 18, 2018
e) Manitoulin Planning Board Meeting of January 23, 2018
a) Accounts of Payment: General: $28,864.52 Payroll: $18,596.71
b) MICA: 8th Annual Passage Ride Acknowledgment
c) OGRA Request for Support for MCEA Process Reform
d) Feasibility of a Township Funded Wildlife Compensation Program
e) Authorize Staff to Contact Hydro One Ombudsman
f) Wiikwemkoong Thank you Letter
g) Congratulate Assiginack Robotics Team
h) Authorize RFP for 2018 Marina Operations
i) Award RFP No. 2018-01: Standby Generator
a) District Social Service Administration Board of Governance Review
b) Town of Amherstburg Resolution
c) Town of Lakeshore Resolution
d) FONOM: January 18, 2018 Press Release
e) Vigor Clean Tech Energy Production Report & Email
f) Sudbury & Districts Health Unit Letter: Food Insecurity/Nutritious Food Basket Costing
a) By-law #18-04: CWWF Transfer Payment Agreement Amendment
9. BUDGET 2018
a) Advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege including communications necessary for that purpose (Municipal Act, 2001, c.25, s.239(2)(f))
The Regular Meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Assiginack was held in the Council Chambers on Tuesday, February 6th, 2018 at 5:00 p.m.
Present: Mayor Paul Moffatt, Councillor Robert Case, Councillor Les Fields, Councillor Hugh Moggy, Councillor Brenda Reid
Staff: Jeremy Rody: Clerk, Alton Hobbs: CAO, Ron Cooper: Public Works Superintendent
Press: Alicia McCutcheon, Expositor
Others: Dave McDowell, Theresa McDowell
#033-03-18 H. Moggy – L. Fields
THAT the Regular Meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Assiginack be opened for business with a quorum of members present at 5:00 p.m., with Mayor Moffatt presiding in the Chair. CARRIED
#034-03-18 H. Moggy – L. Fields
THAT the agenda for this meeting be accepted as presented. CARRIED
Councillor Reid disclosed a direct pecuniary interest in Agenda Item 6A Payroll as her husband is an employee of the Township. She did not take part in any discussion, attempt to influence the vote or vote on the matter.
There were no announcements.
#035-03-18 L. Fields – H. Moggy
THAT the minutes of the Regular Council meeting of January 16, 2018, be accepted. CARRIED
#036-03-18 L. Fields – H. Moggy
THAT the minutes of the Assiginack Public Library Board meeting of December 11, 2017, be accepted. CARRIED
#037-03-18 H. Moggy – L. Fields
THAT the minutes of the Manitoulin Centennial Manor Board meeting of December 14, 2017, be received. CARRIED
#038-03-18 H. Moggy – L. Fields
THAT the minutes of the Sudbury & Districts Board of Health meeting of January 18, 2018, be received. CARRIED
#039-03-18 L. Fields – H. Moggy
THAT the minutes of the Manitoulin Planning Board meeting of January 23, 2018, be received. CARRIED
There were none.
There were none.
#040-03-18 L. Fields – H. Moggy
THAT Council authorizes the following Accounts for Payment:
General: $28,864.52
AND THAT the Mayor and administration be authorized to complete cheques #27448 through #27463 as described in the attached cheque register report. CARRIED
#041-03-18 H. Moggy – L. Fields
THAT Council authorizes the following Accounts for Payment:
Payroll: $18,596.71
AND THAT the Mayor and administration be authorized to complete cheques #27444 through #27447 as described in the attached cheque register report. CARRIED
#042-03-18 H. Moggy – L. Fields
THAT Assiginack Council acknowledges the letter received from the Manitoulin Island Cycling Advocates regarding the 8th Annual Manitoulin Passage Ride;
AND THAT Staff will provide a letter of acknowledgment and support as the economic, health, and tourism benefits of this event are strongly supported by Council. CARRIED
#043-03-18 L. Fields – H. Moggy
WHEREAS a coalition of the Municipal Engineers Association (MEA) and the Residential and Civil Construction Alliance of Ontario have successfully applied to have a review of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process conducted under Part IV (Section 61) of the Environmental Bill of Rights Act, 1993 (EBR Act);
AND WHEREAS impact studies and public meetings required by the MCEA process often take two years or more to complete before construction can commence;
AND WHEREAS the MCEA requirements to evaluate alternatives are often not well aligned with prior or municipal land use planning decisions;
AND WHEREAS analysis by the Residential and Civil Construction Alliance of Ontario (RCCAO) has demonstrated that the time to complete an EA rose from 19 months to 26.7 months and costs went from an average of $113,300 to $386,500;
AND WHEREAS the Auditor General of Ontario has tabled recommendations for modernizing the MCEA process;
AND WHEREAS in spite of written commitments made by the Ministry of the Environment between 2013-2015, no action has been taken;
AND WHEREAS local projects that do not have the necessary approvals could lose out on the next intake of Build Canada funding;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Township of Assiginack requests that the Minister of the Environment and Climate Change take immediate steps to expedite the response process for Part II Orders or Bump-Up requests, as part of the s.61 review to improve MCEA process times and reduce study costs;
AND FURTHER THAT the Minister of the Environment and Climate Change support changes to better integrate and harmonize the MCEA process with processes defined under the Planning Act;
AND FURTHER THAT the Minister of the Environment and Climate Change amend the scope of MCEA reports and studies to reduce duplication with existing public processes and decisions made under municipal Official Plans and provincial legislation. CARRIED
#044-03-18 R. Case – B. Reid
WHEREAS a number of farm owners in Assiginack have risen concerns over the number of coyotes and wolves damaging livestock and have asked for a compensation program;
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council requests that staff prepare a report on the feasibility of a township funded livestock compensation program. CARRIED
#045-03-18 B. Reid – R. Case
WHEREAS the entire township and beyond experienced a 15 hour power outage on January 14, 2018 due to a fire from an overload on a temporary piece of equipment at the Hydro One Power Station in Manitowaning;
AND WHEREAS Hydro One officials were in contact with Provincial and First Nation stakeholders;
AND WHEREAS Hydro One has made no attempt to contact the Township of Assiginack to speak about the issue;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council instructs staff to file a complaint with the Hydro One Ombudsman about the conduct and lack of communication from Hydro One during and after a serious power outage. CARRIED
#046-03-18 R. Case – B. Reid
WHEREAS Officials from the Wiikwemkoong First Nation graciously offered their support and resources to our community during the lengthy power outage on January 14, 2018;
AND WHEREAS Assiginack Council would like to express their sincere thanks to the neighbouring community of Wiikwemkoong for their generosity and hospitality during an uncertainly time;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council requests that staff send a thank you letter to Chief Peltier, Band Council, Staff, and Volunteers of Wiikwemkoong First Nation. CARRIED
#047-03-18 B. Reid – R. Case
THAT Council congratulates the following members of the Assiginack Robotics Team for competing in the First Lego League Western Ontario Provincial Championship in Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario on January 28th:
– Coach: Mark Gibeault
– Team Members: Nevaeh Giles, Rowan Leblanc, Brooke Gibeault, Dane Gibeault, Samuel Pennings, Steven White. CARRIED
#048-03-18 R. Case – B. Reid
THAT Council authorizes staff to issue a Request for Proposal for the Operation of the Bay Street Marina for the 2018 season. CARRIED
#049-03-18 B. Reid – R. Case
WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Assiginack has received the following response to RFP No. 2018-01: Standby Generator:
1. Thompson Electric $24,577.50
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the proposal from Thompson Electric in the amount of $24,577.50, HST inclusive, be accepted. CARRIED
#050-03-18 R. Case – B. Reid
THAT we acknowledge receipt of the following correspondence items:
a) District Social Services Administration Board of Governance Review
b) Town of Amherstburg Resolution
c) Town of Lakeshore Resolution
d) FONOM: January 18, 2018 Press Release
e) Vigor Clean Tech Energy Production Report & Email
f) Sudbury & Districts Health Unit Letter: Food Insecurity/Nutritious Food Basket Costing. CARRIED
#051-03-18 B. Reid – R. Case
THAT By-law #18-04, being a by-law to authorize the execution of a Transfer Payment Agreement Amendment for the Clean Water and Wastewater Fund, be given its first, second, and third readings and enacted in open Council. CARRIED
#052-03-18 R. Case – B. Reid
THAT in accordance with By-law #15-30 and Section 239 of the Municipal Act, as amended, Council proceeds to a “Closed Session” at 5:23 p.m. in order to attend to a matter pertaining to:
f) Advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege including communications necessary for that purpose. CARRIED
#053-03-18 B. Reid – R. Case
THAT we adjourn from our Closed Session at 5:44 p.m., approve the minutes of the Closed Session of January 2, 2018 and resume our regular meeting. CARRIED
2018 BUDGET:
There was no budget discussion at this meeting. The CAO noted that the auditors are scheduled to visit the municipal office next week for the annual audit.
#054-03-18 R. Case – B. Reid
THAT we adjourn until the next regular meeting or call of the Chair. CARRIED
________________________ _________________________
Paul Moffatt, MAYOR Jeremy Rody, CLERK
5:45 p.m.
These Minutes have been circulated but are not considered Official until approved by Council.