February 17, 2015 - Council Meeting





The Regular Meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Assiginack was held in the Council Chambers on Tuesday, February 17, 2015 at 5:00 P.M.


Present were Reeve Paul Moffatt, Members Robert Case, Leslie Fields, Hugh Moggy, and Brenda Reid

Staff: C.A.O. Deputy Clerk: Alton Hobbs, Clerk: Jeremy Rody, PEC: Jackie White

Press: Alicia McCutcheon, Expositor



#052-04-15 – B. Reid – L. Fields         

THAT the Regular Meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Assiginack be opened for business with a quorum of members present at 5:00 p.m., with Reeve Moffatt presiding in the Chair. CARRIED.



#053-04-15 – L. Fields – B. Reid

THAT the agenda for this meeting be amended by adding the following item:

6-e) Donation Request: Fixing Our Felines

AND THAT the agenda for this meeting be accepted. CARRIED.



Councillor Reid disclosed a direct pecuniary interest in Agenda Item 6A Payroll as her husband is an employee of the Township.  She did not take part in any discussion, attempt to influence the vote or vote on the matter.

Reeve Moffatt disclosed an indirect pecuniary interest in Agenda Item 8A Animal Services Control By-law as his son is the provider of this service.  He did not take part in any discussion, attempt to influence the vote or vote on the matter.



#054-04-15 – B. Reid – L. Fields  

THAT the Minutes of the February 3, 2015 Regular Meeting of Council be accepted.  CARRIED.


#055-04-15 – L. Fields – B. Reid  

THAT the Minutes of the Manitoulin East Airport Commission Meeting of February 2, 2015 be accepted. CARRIED.


#056-04-15 – B. Reid – L. Fields 

THAT the Minutes of the Manitoulin Planning Board Meeting of January 27, 2015 be received. CARRIED.


#057-04-15 – L. Fields – B. Reid

THAT the Minutes of the Community Policing Advisory Committee Board Meeting of January 14, 2015 be received. CARRIED.



Note: At this time Council invited the Burns Wharf Theatre Players to present their delegation.  Council heard from Marilyn and Elwood Wohlberg on behalf of the Theatre Players as well as Al Mattison, owner of the Manitowaning Freshmart on behalf of the business community.  Council is expecting a staff report on available funding for the Burns Wharf building at the next Council meeting.


#058-04-15 – B. Reid – L. Fields

THAT we thank the Burns Wharf Theatre Players for making their delegation to Council. CARRIED.


Note: Phil Blake had cancelled his scheduled delegation shortly after the release of the February 17th Council Package.






#059-04-15 – L. Fields – B. Reid

THAT we accept the Report to Council from the Clerk titled, “LAS Sewer & Water Line Warranty Program.” CARRIED.



#060-04-15 – B. Reid – L. Fields      

THAT Council authorizes the following Accounts for Payment:

General:           $ 92,892.98

AND THAT the Reeve and administration be authorized to complete cheque #22378 and cheques #22451 through #22481 as described in the attached cheque register report. CARRIED.


Note: The disclosure of pecuniary interest at the beginning of the meeting by Councillor Reid.

#061-04-15 – R. Case – H. Moggy

THAT Council authorizes the following Accounts for Payment:

Payroll:            $ 16,214.95

AND THAT the Reeve and administration be authorized to complete cheques #22433 through #22450 and cheques #22482 through #22484 as described in the attached cheque register report. CARRIED.


#062-04-15 – H. Moggy – R. Case

THAT we accept the Municipal Donation Policy and instruct staff to draft a by-law to officially adopt this policy. CARRIED.


#063-04-15 – R. Case – H. Moggy

THAT we inform OCWA that the Township of Assiginack will be sending the following members of Council and Staff to the “Standard of Care – Safe Drinking Act Course” in Espanola on March 17th:

  1. Hugh Moggy
  2. Brenda Reid
  3. Leslie Fields
  4. Robert Case
  5. Paul Moffatt
  6. Jeremy Rody.  CARRIED.


#064-04-15 – H. Moggy – R. Case

THAT we authorize the Clerk to respond to MTO’s Default Speed Limit Survey on behalf of Council; and

THAT Council supports option #3 being: “Through a legislative change, permit municipalities to set a default speed limit of 50 km/h or 40 km/h inside municipal boundaries, and require the posting of a sign at each entry point of the municipality.” CARRIED.


#065-04-15 – R. Case – H. Moggy

THAT we acknowledge receipt of the Donation Request from the Manitowaning based group called, Fixing Our Felines.

AND THAT we approve a $200.00 donation. CARRIED.



#066-04-15 – H. Moggy – R. Case

THAT we acknowledge receipt of the following correspondence items:

  1. 62nd Annual OSUM Conference & Trade Show
  2. Museum Advisory Committee: Expression of Interest (2)
  3. Autism Ontario: Raise the Flag Campaign 2015
  4. P.P.: Court Security and Prisoner Transportation Grant Allocation
  5. P.P.: Police Services Board Reporting
  6. Manitoulin Family Resources Food Bank: Thank you letter.  CARRIED.



#067-04-15 – R. Case – H. Moggy

THAT By-law #15-04, being a by-law of the Corporation of the Township of Assiginack to authorize an Agreement with Jason Moffatt for the provision of Animal Control Services be given its first and second readings. CARRIED.


#068-04-15 – H. Moggy – R. Case

THAT By-law #15-04, being a by-law of the Corporation of the Township of Assiginack to authorize an Agreement with Jason Moffatt for the provision of Animal Control Services be given its third and final reading and enacted in open Council. CARRIED.

Note: The disclosure of pecuniary interest by Reeve Moffatt at the beginning of the meeting.  Reeve Moffatt vacated the Chair for this agenda item.  Deputy Reeve Moggy called the vote on this matter.  Once it was carried, Reeve Moffatt assumed the Chair for the remainder of the meeting.



#069-04-15 – R. Case – H. Moggy

THAT we adjourn until the next regular meeting or call of the Chair. CARRIED.


_______________________________          _____________________________

Paul Moffatt  REEVE                                         Jeremy Rody  CLERK


6:05 p.m.

These Minutes have been circulated but are not considered Official until approved by Council.
