Tuesday, April 4, 2023
a) Budget Discussion, Capital Review
a) Landfill Recycling and Access Control
a) Arena Advertising Draft Policy
b) PEC/Arena Manager Pre Budget Presentation
c) Summer Sailing and Subsidy Request
Tuesday April 4, 2023 7:00 pm
Present: Mayor Brenda Reid, Councillors Dwayne Elliott, Janice Bowerman, Jennifer Hooper, Robert Maguire
Staff: Alton Hobbs – CAO, Deputy Clerk, Freda Bond -Tax and Utilities Manager, Jackie White – Public Events Coordinator, Ron Cooper -Public Works Superintendent, Crystal Lentir – Administrative Assistant
Public: Christianna Jones, Carmen Sloss
Moved by Councillor Hooper:
THAT the meeting be opened with Mayor Reid presiding in the Chair. CARRIED
Mayor read the Land Acknowledgement
THAT the agenda was amended to include 2a) Recycle Depot and was amended to be discussed from the bottom to the top.
Disclosures: None
4b) Arena/Marina/PEC budgets
Staff reviewed arena statistics over the 2019-2023 and mention was made that of the rentals in 2022 for ice time, 99% of them had youth on the ice. This is believed to be due to the current rates being affordable to more people, therefore the suggestion was to Council to consider only increasing the rates to $45/hour for 2023.
The arena equipment replacements required over the next seven years will include the chiller ($120,000) and brine pump ($20,000). Staff recommended that the budget include reserve components for those.
For capital components such as the electric panel at the arena, the funds were recommended to come from the PEC reserves. Further discussion on the upgrading required to make the upstairs useable, and that there are funds available from both the 2023 capital budget ($60,000 for engineering) and PEC reserves ($80,000 for materials and labour).
Discussion held on the ICIP grant and the components yet to be completed was done. Staff reminded Council that there is a requirement for Public Works to be available for execution of some of the jobs left on the list such as ditching, storage building, etc. A meeting between the Council, PEC and PW Superintendent be scheduled in the near future.
The marina suggestions from staff included the removal of ramp fees and an increase of 7% in the fee structure for dockage fees. Other mentions of projects required are the stairs to the waterfront, and a potentially larger office space that will increase the useability and safety at the waterfront.
Public events participation has increased, because Council and funders have made programming either free or very affordable.
4. a) The Arena Advertising Policy as drafted by staff, is comparable to other local arenas that utilize this revenue stream.
4. c) The summer sailing subsidy request was discussed and was found that because it was a specialized event for a select few, Council felt that this event was best user funded.
2. a) The Recycle Depot waste diversion programs were reviewed and possible available avenues for information sharing would be through social media, information magnets, posters, letters sent to ratepayers and renters, possible implementation of a user card, programmable card, clear bags, mandatory recycling and/or bag tags. Staff will be exploring the pricing, funding options and other processes involved with the potential suppliers and other municipalities that have them regulated.
A further meeting will be held to discuss the Recycle Depot at the request of PW Superintendent. This will include any new information staff collects, as well as the items the Superintendent has already prepared.
1. a) Budget Discussions commenced with the notation that there has not been an increase in the tax rate in ten years. It was suggested that we slowly increase to allow for completion of projects required.
Some items on the budget include a pickup truck and a pumper truck for the Fire Department, as well as storage for the same. Public Works requires a new snowplow, repairs to the Branson Motor, and a streetlight at the intersection of Sucker Lake has been requested. The Post Office/Bank building requires engineering and a review to be completed in May.
The marina requires an office/canteen building this year to be operable, the stairs, dock replacements, and upgrades to the women’s bathroom are also required. The arena requires a brine pump, chiller, ramp pad repairs, and a water hook up to the ball field. The Recycle Depot requires a reserve to continue for the operational expansion that is pending.
The museum building roof (cedar shingles or metal shingle roofing) and a new storage area. Further capital requests include cemetery software, fencing and columbariums, High Falls Park completion, and Information Booth floor insulation. Public Works capital budget should include the $90,000 input for the repairs needed on Red Lodge Road in conjunction with NEMI at the same value, the resurfacing costs of various roads, salt shed, line painting as well as having the hard top on a three-year rotation.
The NORDS funding for Resource Development to roads with pits is available for approximately five roads within the municipality. They are released at $81,000 per year over a five-year period. The current value available is $243,000 with the plan to be finalized. The Church Road, Clover Valley West, Lower Slash, Bidwell and J. Bryant Sideroad are possibilities for this funding. Further investigation will be done to see where the funds should be allocated this year.
Moved by Councillor Hooper:
THAT we adjourn at 9:00 pm until the next regular meeting or call of the Chair. CARRIED
No other matters were discussed.
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Chair: Brenda Reid Recording Officer: Alton Hobbs