The Regular Meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Assiginack was held in the Council Chambers on Tuesday, April 7, 2015 at 7:00 P.M.
Present were Reeve Paul Moffatt, Members Robert Case, Leslie Fields, Hugh Moggy, and Brenda Reid
Staff: CAO: Alton Hobbs, Clerk: Jeremy Rody, PEC: Jackie White
Press: Alicia McCutcheon, Expositor
#112-08-15 – R. Case – H. Moggy
THAT the Regular Meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Assiginack be opened for business with a quorum of members present at 7:00 p.m., with Reeve Moffatt presiding in the Chair. CARRIED
#113-08-15 – H. Moggy – R. Case
THAT the agenda for this meeting be amended by adding the following item:
4) Closed Session a) Labour Relations: Cemetery Employment Opportunities
AND THAT the agenda be accepted as amended. CARRIED
Councillor Reid disclosed a direct pecuniary interest in Agenda Item 6A Payroll as her husband is an employee of the Township. She did not take part in any discussion, attempt to influence the vote or vote on the matter.
#114-08-15 – R. Case – H. Moggy
THAT the Minutes of the March 17th, 2015 Regular Meeting of Council be accepted. CARRIED
#115-08-15 – H. Moggy – R. Case
THAT the Minutes of the March 24th, 2015 Special Meeting of Council be accepted. CARRIED
#116-08-15 – R. Case – H. Moggy
THAT we accept the Librarian’s 2014 Annual Report and 2015 Proposed Budget. CARRIED
#117-08-15 – H. Moggy – R. Case
THAT Council authorizes the following Accounts for Payment:
General: $72,473.40
AND THAT the Reeve and administration be authorized to complete cheques #22610 through #22640 as described in the attached cheque register report. CARRIED
Note: The disclosure of pecuniary interest by Councillor Reid at the beginning of the meeting.
#118-08-15 – R. Case – H. Moggy
THAT Council authorizes the following Accounts for Payment:
Payroll: $15,891.73
AND THAT the Reeve and administration be authorized to complete cheques #22590 through #22609 as described in the attached cheque register report. CARRIED
#119-08-15 – H. Moggy – R. Case
THAT we accept the Sunsite Estates Drinking Water System Inspection Report for 2014-15. CARRIED
#120-08-15 – R. Case – H. Moggy
THAT we approve the request from the Project and Events Coordinator to launch a “Shop, Eat, Spend, Enjoy Local” campaign focussing on supporting Assiginack and Manitoulin Island businesses. CARRIED
#121-08-15 – H. Moggy – R. Case
THAT we approve the donation request from Knox United Church for their 2015 Charity Golf Tournament on July 15th, 2015 donating $100 as a Hole Sponsor in addition to some small prizes. DEFEATED
#122-08-15 – B. Reid – L. Fields
THAT we approve the Donation Request from the Manitowaning Agricultural Society for 139th Annual Fall Fair on September 11-12, 2015, donating $500. CARRIED
#123-08-15 – L. Fields – B. Reid
THAT we approve the Donation Request from Edcamp Manitoulin for their 2nd Annual Professional Development gathering on May 9th, 2015, donating $100. TABLED
#124-08-15 – B. Reid – L. Fields
THAT we approve the following write down of annual taxes pursuant to the application submitted:
Roll # 5111 000 005 05400 0000
2012: $2,076.20, 2013: $2,294.83, 2014: $2,400.77, Penalty: #1,130.66. CARRIED
#125-08-15 – L. Fields – B. Reid
THAT we acknowledge receipt of the following correspondence items:
- New Horizons for Seniors Program: Grant Received
- Bay Street Marina 2015 Dockage Rates
- Township of Southgate Resolution – Bill 52, Protection of Public Participation Act, 2014
- Minutes of the Provincial Offences Board of Management Meeting of September 12, 2014. CARRIED
#126-08-15 – B. Reid – L. Fields
THAT By-law #15-08, being a by-law of the Corporation of the Township of Assiginack to Authorize an Agreement with Data Fix for the use of Municipal Voter View Services be given its first and second readings. CARRIED
#127-08-15 – L. Fields – B. Reid
THAT By-law #15-08, being a by-law of the Corporation of the Township of Assiginack to Authorize an Agreement with Data Fix for the use of Municipal Voter View Services be given its third and final reading and enacted in open Council. CARRIED
#128-08-15 – L. Fields – B. Reid
THAT By-law #15-09, being a by-law of the Corporation of the Township of Assiginack to Appoint a Museum Curator (Kelsey Maguire) be given its first and second readings. CARRIED
#129-08-15 – L. Fields – B. Reid
THAT By-law #15-09, being a by-law of the Corporation of the Township of Assiginack to Appoint a Museum Curator (Kelsey Maguire) be given its third and final reading and enacted in open Council. CARRIED
Councillor Fields reported to Council on the most recent Provincial Offences Board of Management Meeting.
#130-08-15 – B. Reid – L. Fields
THAT in accordance with By-law #02-02 as amended and Section 239 of the Municipal Act as amended, Council proceed to a ‘Closed Session’ (in-camera) at 7:33 p.m. in order to attend to a matter pertaining to:
- Labour relations – Cemetery Employment Opportunities. CARRIED
#131-08-15 – L. Fields – B. Reid
THAT we adjourn from our Closed Session at 7:46 p.m., approve the minutes of the Closed Session of March 17th, 2015, and resume our regular meeting. CARRIED
Closed Session Notes: CAO presented seven (7) bids received from six (6) applicants for the Cemetery Employment Opportunities. Council instructed the CAO to negotiate a one year contract with one of the applicants. No other items were discussed.
#132-08-15 – B. Reid – L. Fields
THAT we adjourn at 8:00 p.m. until the next regular meeting or call of the Chair. CARRIED
_______________________________ _____________________________
Paul Moffatt, REEVE Jeremy Rody, CLERK
These Minutes have been circulated but are not considered Official until approved by Council.