The Statutory Public Meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Assiginack was held in the Council Chambers on Tuesday, June 25th, 2024, at 7:00 p.m.
Present: Mayor Brenda Reid
Councillor Dwayne Elliott
Councillor Jennifer Hooper
Councillor Robert Maguire
Staff: Alton Hobbs, CAO
Heidi Ferguson, Clerk
Deb MacDonald, Treasurer/Deputy CAO
Freda Bond, Tax & Utility Manager
Crystal Lentir, Administrative Assistant
Jackie White, PEC
Public: Jamie Robinson and Lee Bull, MHBC Planning
Elizabeth Welnar
Regrets: Councillor Janice Bowerman
#140-11-2024 R. Maguire – J. Hooper
THAT the Special Meeting of the Council be opened for business at 7:00 p.m., with a quorum of members present, with Mayor Reid presiding in the Chair.
The Mayor read the Land Acknowledgment.
#141-11-2024 D. Elliott – R. Maguire
THAT we approve the agenda as presented.
#142-11-2024 J. Hooper – R. Maguire
THAT we adjourn the Special Meeting and commence with a Statutory Public Meeting held under the authority of Section 34 of the Planning Act, to hear comments on our Proposed Comprehensive Zoning By-law # 2024-10, with Mayor Reid presiding in the chair.
NOTE: Mayor Reid welcomed everyone to our Statutory Public Meeting which is held in accordance with the Planning Act with respect to our municipally initiated Zoning By-law update. She explained the purpose of the meeting, format of the meeting and how the appeal process works, prior to introducing Jamie Robinson from MHBC Planning to provide a presentation to the public and members of Council.
Jamie Robinson, the Township’s planning consultant provided members of the public and Council with an update and overview of the draft Comprehensive Zoning By-law, as well as the feedback that was received through the Open House and the zoning by-law process so far.
Mayor Reid called upon members of the public who wished to make comments. Elizabeth Welnar from the Wayside Motel addressed Council and explained that she had submitted a request for an amendment to Section 6.6.3, to allow seasonal and temporary RV/travel trailer parking at the Wayside Motel.
Jamie Robinson responded and explained that throughout the update process, we did receive a few requests of this nature and typically he would suggest these types of requests are done through a site-specific zoning amendment. They recommend doing this for two reasons:
1.) The purpose of Zoning By-laws is to provide generalized updates, housekeeping items and such that impact the whole municipality, not specific properties. The process of a Zoning By-law Update under Section 34, ensures that the municipality provides notice to the public, but in a broad or global way, whereas notice for a site-specific zoning by-law amendment specifically pertains the property in question and the Planning Act dictates that notice is more local- all property owners within 120 meters receive individual notice.
Jamie also mentioned that the purpose of Zoning By-laws is to provide generalized updates, housekeeping items and such that impact the whole municipality, not specific properties.
2.) The second reason is that typically site-specific zoning amendments require a bit more information regarding the change of use and have site-specific considerations that Council needs to take into account for, such as servicing for water and sewer, etc.
Jamie explained that they are not recommending or proposing changes to the by-law that are site-specific, however property owners would be welcome to submit an application for a site-specific zoning amendment once the by-law is passed.
The Mayor asked members of Council if they had any questions or feedback. No members of Council had questions or provided feedback.
The Mayor closed the Statutory Public Meeting and thanked members of the public and Jamie Robinson and Lee Bull from MHBC for their presentation and attending the meeting.
#143-11-2024 D. Elliott – R. Maguire
THAT we adjourn the Statutory Public Meeting and resume the Special Meeting of Council.
_____________________ _____________________________
Brenda Reid, MAYOR Heidi Ferguson, CLERK
*These Minutes have been circulated but are not considered Official until approved by Council.