The Regular Meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Assiginack was held in the Council Chambers on Tuesday, July 21, 2015 at 5:00 P.M.
Present were Reeve Paul Moffatt, Members Leslie Fields, Brenda Reid, Robert Case and Hugh Moggy
Staff: CAO: Alton Hobbs
Press: Alicia McCutcheon, Expositor
Ratepayers: Sandra Pennie, Lisa Hallaert
#254-17-15 – H. Moggy – L. Fields
THAT the Regular Meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Assiginack be opened for business with a quorum of members present at 5:00 p.m., with Reeve Moffatt presiding in the Chair. CARRIED
#255-17-15 – L. Fields – H. Moggy
THAT the agenda for this meeting be accepted as presented. CARRIED
Councillor Reid disclosed a direct pecuniary interest in Agenda Items 6A Payroll as her husband is an employee of the Township. She did not take part in any discussion, attempt to influence the vote or vote on the matter.
#256-17-15 – H. Moggy – L. Fields
THAT the Minutes of the July 7th, 2015 Regular Meeting of Council be accepted. CARRIED
#257-17-15 – L. Fields – H. Moggy
THAT the minutes of the July 9th, 2015 Manitoulin East Municipal Airport Commission Meeting be accepted. CARRIED
#258-17-15 – H. Moggy – L. Fields
THAT the minutes of the June 23rd, 2015 Manitoulin Planning Board Meeting be received. CARRIED
#259-17-15 – L. Fields – H. Moggy
THAT the minutes of the June 18, 2015 Sudbury and District Board of Health Meeting be received. CARRIED
#260-17-15 L. Fields – H. Moggy
THAT the minutes of the June 10, 2015 meeting of the Assiginack Museum Advisory Committee be accepted. CARRIED
#261-17-15 – H. Moggy – L. Fields
THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Assiginack accepts the report from the Clerk titled, “Online Tax Payment Options.” And instruct Staff to prepare the necessary documents to enter into an agreement with Paymentus. CARRIED
#262-17-15 – L. Fields – H. Moggy
THAT Council authorizes the following Accounts for Payment:
General: $105,821.81
AND THAT the Reeve and administration be authorized to complete cheque #24570 and cheques #24587 through #24615 as described in the attached cheque register report. CARRIED
#263-17-15 – H. Moggy – L. Fields
THAT Council authorizes the following Accounts for Payment:
Payroll: $15,126.65
Direct Deposit: 9,803.49
AND THAT the Reeve and administration be authorized to complete cheques #24571 through #24586 as described in the attached cheque register report. CARRIED
#264-17-15 – H. Moggy – L. Fields
THAT pursuant to a request from the Ontario Clean Water Agency and due to the increased costs to deal with increasing phosphorus levels in the Manitowaning Lagoon, we prohibit access and use of the lagoon to septic haulers immediately and until such time as the Ontario Clean Water Agency advises us that phosphorus levels have returned to normal. CARRIED
#265-17-15 – B. Reid – R. Case
THAT pursuant to the recommendation from the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation, the assessment for Roll # 51 11 000 013 119 00 0000 be adjusted to $ 300,050.00 for the 2014 Taxation year. CARRIED
#266-17-15 – R. Case –B. Reid
THAT Staff be requested to prepare a report for Council outlining the steps required to change the name of Head of Council from Reeve to Mayor. CARRIED
#267-17-15 – B. Reid – R. Case
THAT we petition the Government of the Province of Ontario to transfer title to the properties known as 34 Albert Street and 53 Napier Street to the Municipality. CARRIED
#268-17-15 – R. Case -B. Reid
THAT we acknowledge receipt of the following correspondence items:
- Draft Private Roads Signage Policy
- Letter: Rainbow Ridge Golf Course Tournament. CARRIED
#269-17-15 – B. Reid – R. Case
THAT By-law #15-03, being a by-law of the Corporation of the Township of Assiginack to adopt updated policies, interment rights contracts and price lists for Hilly Grove Cemetery be given third and final reading and enacted in open council. CARRIED
#270-17-15- R. Case – B. Reid
THAT By-law # 15-21 being a by-law to appoint a Drainage Superintendent be given first and second readings. CARRIED
#271-17-15 – B. Reid – R. Case
THAT By-law # 15-21 being a by-law to appoint a Drainage Superintendent be given third and final reading and enacted in open council. CARRIED
Councillor Moggy inquired if the Municipality had received legal correspondence regarding a request to Council from a Sunsite Estates ratepayer. The C.A.O. confirmed that he was expecting it shortly.
#272-17-15 – R. Case – B. Reid
THAT we adjourn until the next regular meeting or call of the Chair. CARRIED
_______________________________ _____________________________
Paul Moffatt, REEVE Jeremy Rody, CLERK
These Minutes have been circulated but are not considered Official until approved by Council.