September 29, 2015 - Special Council Meeting





The Special Meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Assiginack was held in the Council Chambers on Tuesday, September 29th, 2015 at 5:00 P.M.


Present: Mayor Paul Moffatt, Councillor Robert Case, Councillor Brenda Reid

Excused: Councillor Leslie Fields, Councillor Hugh Moggy

Staff: Jeremy Rody, Clerk, Ron Cooper, PW Superintendent, Alton Hobbs, CAO

Press: Alicia McCutcheon, Expositor



#329-21-15      R. Case – B. Reid

THAT the Special Meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Assiginack be opened for business with a quorum of members present at 5:00 p.m., with Mayor Moffatt presiding in the Chair. CARRIED



#330-21-15      B. Reid – R. Case

THAT the agenda for this meeting be accepted as presented. CARRIED



Councillor Reid disclosed a direct pecuniary interest in Agenda Item 6A Payroll as her husband is an employee of the Township.  She did not take part in any discussion, attempt to influence the vote or vote on the matter.

Mayor Moffatt disclosed a conflict of interest in Agenda Item 6H Notice of Application for Consent as he is the applicant of said application.  He did not take part in any discussion, attempt to influence the vote or vote on the matter.



#331-21-15      R. Case – B. Reid

THAT the Minutes of the September 1st, 2015 Regular Council meeting be accepted. CARRIED


#332-21-15      B. Reid – R. Case

THAT the Minutes of the September 14th, 2015 Manitoulin East Municipal Airport Commission meeting be accepted. CARRIED


#333-21-15      R. Case – B. Reid

THAT the Minutes of the July 15th, 2015 Manitoulin Municipal Association meeting be received. CARRIED



#334-21-15      B. Reid – R. Case

THAT Council authorizes the following Accounts for Payment:

General:            $228,189.26

AND THAT the Mayor and administration be authorized to complete cheque #24787 and cheques #24801 through #24816 and #24835 through #24867 as described in the attached cheque register reports. CARRIED


#335-21-15      R. Case – B. Reid

THAT Council authorizes the following Accounts for Payment:

Payroll:             $19,161.48

Direct Deposit:             $20,651.89

AND THAT the Mayor and administration be authorized to complete cheques #24789 through #24800 and #24829 through #24834 as described in the attached cheque register reports. CARRIED


#336-21-15      B. Reid – R. Case

THAT Council supports Fire Chief Dwayne Elliott being appointed the Manitoulin Mutual Aid Fire Co-ordinator and fulfilling the roles and responsibilities as designated in the Province of Ontario Mutual Aid Plan. CARRIED


#337-21-15      R. Case – B. Reid

THAT Council has received a request from the property owners of Waterview Lane for a streetlight to be installed at the intersection of Waterview Lane and Cardwell Street due to increased traffic flow which has resulted in safety concerns;

AND THAT pricing information for this request will be obtained and included in the 2016 budget discussion for consideration. CARRIED


#338-21-15      B. Reid – R. Case

WHEREAS the generation of solid waste and the needless waste of water and energy resources are recognized as global environmental problems;

AND WHEREAS municipal and provincial governments have an important role to play in promoting waste reduction, reuse, recycling, composting and other conservation measures;

AND WHEREAS communities, businesses and organizations across Canada have committed to working together to raise awareness of these issues during Waste Reduction Week in Canada;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Assiginack Council proclaims and declares that October 19-25, 2015, inclusive, shall be known as Waste Reduction Week. CARRIED


#339-21-15      R. Case – B. Reid

THAT we highly recommend adding paved shoulders when Highway 540 is resurfaced between 2016-2018.  The municipalities on Manitoulin Island including Assiginack Township have been supportive in all cycling efforts for many years and have seen a tremendous growth in cycle tourism.  We would like to see Manitoulin Island recognized as a top cycling destination in Northern Ontario.  We need MTO’s help to achieve this objective as our municipal roads often do not offer connections between communities. CARRIED


#340-21-15      B. Reid – R. Case

WHEREAS a replacement cover for the Public Works Coverall shed has been included in the 2015 capital budget;

AND WHEREAS the following quotes for material and labour, exclusive of HST, have been received;

Calhoun Building Systems of Ontario                 $12,455.00

North Cover                                                                 $12,499.75

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council instructs Staff to order the cover-all from North Cover. CARRIED


#341-21-15      R. Case – B. Reid

THAT Council approves the following write down of the water capital levy:

Account:           1206100.01

Levy:                $1,264.61.  CARRIED


Note: Mayor Moffatt vacated the Chair for the following resolution as per his declared conflict of interest.  Councillor Reid assumed the Chair and called for the vote on this item.  After the vote, Mayor Moffatt resumed the Chair.

#342-21-15      B. Reid – R. Case

THAT Council authorizes staff to inform the Manitoulin Planning Board that we have no objections or concerns to Consent File No: B40-15, subject to the application submitted.  CARRIED



#343-21-15      R. Case – B. Reid

THAT we acknowledge receipt of the following correspondence items:

  1. Friends of the S.S. Norisle Steamship Society Meeting Minutes of August 11th and August 25th, 2015
  2. Public Works Garage Solar Panels – Monthly Production Report (Vigor Clean Tech)
  3. AMO Support for the Syrian Refugee Crisis
  4. Knox United Church Charity Golf Tournament Results. CARRIED



#344-21-15      B. Reid – R. Case

THAT By-law #15-28, being a by-law to authorize the LAS Electricity Procurement Program Agreement be given its first and second readings. CARRIED


#345-21-15      R. Case – B. Reid

THAT By-law #15-28, being a by-law to authorize the LAS Electricity Procurement Program Agreement be given its third and final reading and enacted in open Council. CARRIED



CAO announced that he and the Treasurer had a preliminary meeting with Real Term Energy Corp. and J.J. Pole Line Construction regarding the installation of the LED streetlights.  Installation will begin the week of October 5th, 2015 or possibly earlier and should take approximately three weeks to complete.



#346-21-15      B. Reid – R. Case

THAT in accordance with By-law #02-02, as amended and Section 239 of the Municipal Act, as amended, Council proceeds to a “Closed Session (in-camera)” at 5:13 p.m. in order to attend to a matter pertaining to:

  1. a) The security of the property of the Municipality. CARRIED


#347-21-15      R. Case – B. Reid

THAT we adjourn from our Closed Session at 5:18 p.m., approve the minutes of the Closed Session of August 18th, 2015 and resume our regular meeting. CARRIED



#348-21-15      B. Reid – R. Case

THAT we adjourn until the next regular meeting or call of the Chair. CARRIED


_______________________________          _____________________________

Paul Moffatt, MAYOR                                     Jeremy Rody, CLERK


5:30 p.m.

These Minutes have been circulated but are not considered Official until approved by Council.
