November 21, 2017 - Council Meeting


To Be Held in the Council Chambers
Tuesday, November 21, 2017 at 5:00 p.m.
Council’s Regular Meeting Agenda


For consideration:


a) Adoption of Agenda
b) Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof




a) Regular Council Meeting of November 7, 2017
b) Assiginack Public Library Board Meeting of September 25, 2017
c) Manitoulin East Municipal Airport Commission Meeting of November 6, 2017
d) Community Policing Advisory Committee Meeting of September 13, 2017
e) Manitoulin Centennial Manor Board Meeting of October 27, 2017


a) Burns Wharf Theatre Players
b) Phil Blake: Hydro Savings Plan




a) Accounts of Payment: General: $312,287.54 Payroll: $17,931.66
b) Financial Statements as at October 31, 2017
c) RFP2017-05: Demolition of 70 Queen Street
d) Approve Lottery Licence: Manitowaning Minor Hockey Association
e) Christmas Schedule
f) Support Municipality of Drummond Resolution
g) Support Municipality of Morris-Turnberry Resolution


a) Lisa Hallaert: Parade of Lights
b) Vigor Clean Tech: Energy Production Report
c) South Bay Cottagers Association: Plowing Leask Bay Shores Lane
d) Township of East Zorra-Tavistock Resolution
e) Municipality of St. Charles Resolution




a) Personal matters about an Identifiable Individual, including municipal or local board employees (Municipal Act, 2001, c.25, s.239(2)(b))








The Regular Meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Assiginack was held in the Council Chambers on Tuesday, November 21st, 2017 at 5:00 p.m.


Present: Mayor Paul Moffatt, Councillor Robert Case, Councillor Les Fields, Councillor Hugh Moggy, Councillor Brenda Reid

Staff: Jeremy Rody: Clerk, Alton Hobbs: CAO

Press: Alicia McCutcheon, Expositor

Others: Peter Baumgarten, Christianna Jones, Marilyn Wohlberg, Elwood Wohlberg, Gail Griffin, Jim Moggy, Sue Moggy



#308-22-17    H. Moggy – L. Fields

THAT the Regular Meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Assiginack be opened for business with a quorum of members present at 5:00 p.m., with Mayor Moffatt presiding in the Chair.  CARRIED



#309-22-17    L. Fields – H. Moggy

THAT the agenda for this meeting be amended by removing item 4-B) Phil Blake Delegation;

AND THAT the agenda be accepted as amended.  CARRIED



Councillor Reid disclosed a direct pecuniary interest in Agenda Item 6A Payroll as her husband is an employee of the Township and an indirect pecuniary interest with Item 6B Tax Appeal Application as the applicant is her sister.  She did not take part in any discussion, attempt to influence the vote or vote on the matters.



Councillor Moggy commented that the Christmas decorations that have started to go up around Town and in Queen’s Park are very nice.  Councillor Fields reminded everyone that pictures with Santa would take place later this month at the Library.



#310-22-17    H. Moggy – L. Fields

THAT the minutes of the Regular Council meeting of November 7, 2017, be accepted.  CARRIED


#311-22-17    L. Fields – H. Moggy

THAT the minutes of the Assiginack Public Library Board meeting of September 25, 2017, be accepted.  CARRIED


#312-22-17    H. Moggy – L. Fields

THAT the minutes of the Manitoulin East Municipal Airport Commission meeting of September November 6, 2017, be accepted.  CARRIED


#313-22-17    L. Fields – H. Moggy

THAT the minutes of the Community Policing Advisory Committee meeting of September 13, 2017, be received.  CARRIED


#314-22-17    H. Moggy – L. Fields

THAT the minutes of the Manitoulin Centennial Manor Board meeting of October 27, 2017, be received.  CARRIED 



#315-22-17    L. Fields – H. Moggy

THAT we thank the Burns Wharf Theatre Players for their presentation to Council.  CARRIED

Note: Peter Baumgarten spoke on behalf of the Burns Wharf Theatre Players (BWTP).  He started with a historical summary of the relationship between Council and the BWTP.  Their organization feels that they are being asked by Council to become an incorporated not-for-profit organization based on an unfair comparison to the Friends of the Norisle Steamship Society.  Council stated that the municipal solicitor has suggested incorporation for the following reasons:

  • the BWTP could submit their own funding applications thereby not putting other municipal priorities that require grant applications at risk; and,
  • as an incorporated entity the Township could lease the care and control of the Burns Wharf building to the BWTP.

The BWTP stated that they fail to see the necessity for these requirements and feel that Council is trying to download the cost of the building to the Players, who are more interested in focusing on their productions rather than managing the building’s operations.  Peter mentioned that the group has looked into the incorporation process and feel that it is not a simple process and that the group is not set up to fulfill the requirements of being incorporated.  He also mentioned that the Debajemujig Theatre is a temporary solution and will not be viable for much longer.  The BWTP stated they would not consider incorporation until they have seen a draft lease of the building, Council agreed that this was logical.  The Clerk will organize a meeting of some Councillors and BWTP executive members to work on a lease agreement.  This meeting is tentatively scheduled for the third week of December.



There were none.



#316-22-17    H. Moggy – L. Fields

THAT Council authorizes the following Accounts for Payment:

General:         $312,287.54

AND THAT the Mayor and administration be authorized to complete cheques #27204 through #27240 as described in the attached cheque register report.  CARRIED


#317-22-17    H. Moggy – L. Fields

THAT Council authorizes the following Accounts for Payment:

Payroll:           $17,931.66

AND THAT the Mayor and administration be authorized to complete cheques #27199 through #27203 as described in the attached cheque register report.  CARRIED


#318-22-17    B. Reid – R. Case

THAT the year to date financial statements as at October 31, 2017, be received by Council.  CARRIED


#319-22-17    R. Case – B. Reid

WHEREAS the proponent with the lowest bid for RFP2017-05: Demolition of 70 Queen Street cannot secure the necessary MOECC permits to remove the designated substances at the subject property;

AND WHEREAS the next lowest bid is significantly higher than the budgeted amount for this project;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council defers this project to 2018 budget discussions.  CARRIED


#320-22-17    B. Reid – R. Case

THAT Council approves the following Lottery Licence subject to the application submitted:

  1. Manitowaning Minor Hockey Association: Gift Card Raffle.  CARRIED

#321-22-17    R. Case – B. Reid  

THAT Council approves the closure of the Municipal Office during the week of Christmas being December 25-29, 2017.  CARRIED


#322-22-17    B. Reid – R. Case

WHEREAS the Township of Drummon/North Elmsley originally passed resolution #2017-125 on October 24, 2017 requesting that municipal employees be exempted from the on-call changes proposed in Bill 148 and that the Province of Ontario conduct a full economic impact study of Bill 148 to study the effect of the bill on businesses and municipalities;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Assiginack Council supports the above mentioned resolution and that this resolution be circulated to the Premier Kathleen Wynne and Minister of Labour Kevin Flynn.  CARRIED


#323-22-17    R. Case – B. Reid

WHEREAS the Municipality of Morris-Turnberry passed resolution #553-2017 on October 17, 2017 requesting that MPAC conduct a review on the effects of the tax class shift from farm land to residential and immediately act on 2017 and 2018 request for reconsideration applications;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Assiginack Council supports the resolution of the Municipality of Morris-Turnberry and that this resolution be circulated to Premier Kathleen Wynne, Minister of Finance Charles Sousa, and MPAC.  CARRIED



#324-22-17    R. Case – B. Reid

THAT we acknowledge receipt of the following correspondence items:
a) Lisa Hallaert: Parade of Lights
b) Vigor Clean Tech: Energy Production Report
c) South Bay Cottagers Association: Plowing Leask Bay Shores Lane
d) Township of East Zorra-Tavistock Resolution
e) Municipality of St. Charles Resolution.  CARRIED



There were none.



#325-22-17    B. Reid – R. Case

THAT in accordance with By-law #15-30 and Section 239 of the Municipal Act, as amended, Council proceeds to a “Closed Session” at 6:03 p.m. in order to attend to a matter pertaining to:

  1. Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees (Municipal Act, 2001, ch.25, s.239(2)(b)).  CARRIED

#326-22-17    R. Case – B. Reid

THAT we adjourn from our Closed Session at 6:10 p.m., approve the minutes of the Closed Session of November 7, 2017 and resume our regular meeting.  CARRIED



#327-22-17    B. Reid – R. Case

THAT we adjourn until the next regular meeting or call of the Chair.




________________________                  _________________________

Paul Moffatt, MAYOR                                  Jeremy Rody, CLERK


6:10 p.m.

These Minutes have been circulated but are not considered Official until approved by Council.
