December 1, 2015 - Council Meeting





The Regular Meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Assiginack was held in the Council Chambers on Tuesday, December 1st, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.


Present: Mayor Paul Moffatt, Councillor Robert Case, Councillor Leslie Fields, Councillor Hugh Moggy, Councillor Brenda Reid

Staff: Alton Hobbs, CAO, Jeremy Rody, Clerk

Press: Alicia McCutcheon, Expositor

Ratepayers: Chris Prosser, Dave Ham, Rob Maguire



#422-28-15      B. Reid – R. Case

THAT the Regular Meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Assiginack be opened for business with a quorum of members present at 7:00 p.m., with Mayor Moffatt presiding in the Chair. CARRIED



#423-28-15      R. Case – B. Reid

THAT the agenda for this meeting be accepted as presented. CARRIED



Councillor Reid disclosed a direct pecuniary interest in Agenda Item 6A Payroll and 6E Annual Christmas Issues as her husband is an employee of the Township.  She did not take part in any discussion, attempt to influence the vote or vote on the matters.



Councillor Reid reported back to Council that she had spoken with the group taking care of the refugee family that will be coming to Manitowaning and that they have requested a cash donation.


#424-28-15      B. Reid – L. Fields

THAT Council donates $1,000 to the Refugee Fund, earmarked for the family coming to Manitowaning. CARRIED

Councillor Fields notified Council that Manitoulin Streams will be conducting its annual stocking of fish eggs at Norton’s Creek and that anyone who would like to attend is welcome.  They will be meeting at 10 a.m. on Friday, December 4th, 2015 at the Hutton garage on Bidwell Road.

Councillor Moggy announced that he thought it was a great idea to have the Waste Disposal Site open on Boxing Day, given that staff is willing to work the holiday.  He also asked on behalf of the Horticultural Society, if the group could have a key to the storage room they occupy at the old Municipal Office.  Staff indicated that would not be a problem and will get them a key.

The CAO, on behalf of the Events Coordinator, asked Councillors if they would be able to donate some of their time to preparing the Christmas gift bags for the children at Assiginack Public School.  General consensus was that Council would be able to do that this week.



#425-28-15      B. Reid – R. Case

THAT the Minutes of the November 17th, 2015 Regular Council meeting be accepted. CARRIED


#426-28-15      R. Case – B. Reid

THAT the Minutes of the November 19th, 2015 Special Council meeting be accepted. CARRIED


#427-28-15      B. Reid – R. Case

THAT the minutes of the Assiginack Public Library Board meeting of October 19th, 2015 be accepted. CARRIED


#428-28-15      R. Case – B. Reid

THAT the minutes of the Museum Advisory Committee Meetings of June 10, July 13, July 30, & September 14, 2015 be accepted. CARRIED



#429-28-15      B. Reid – R. Case

THAT Council accepts the 2015 Assiginack Museum Curator Report. CARRIED



#430-28-15      R. Case – B. Reid

THAT Council authorizes the following Accounts for Payment:

General:           $227,811.32

AND THAT the Mayor and administration be authorized to complete cheques #25016 through #25068 as described in the attached cheque register reports. CARRIED


#431-28-15      H. Moggy – L. Fields

THAT Council authorizes the following Accounts for Payment:

Payroll:            $17,890.49

AND THAT the Mayor and administration be authorized to complete cheques #25010 through #25015 as described in the attached cheque register reports. CARRIED


#432-28-15      L. Fields – H. Moggy

THAT WHEREAS Council advertised for individuals interested in representing the community on the Strategic Planning Committee to submit a letter of intent;

NOW THEREFORE THAT the following individuals be appointed to the Strategic Planning Committee:

  1. Les Fields – Council Representative
  2. Hugh Moggy – Council Representative
  3. Brenda Reid – Council Representative
  4. Phil Blake – Community Representative
  5. Lisa Hallaert – Community Representative
  6. Chris Prosser – Community Representative. CARRIED


#433-28-15      L. Fields – H. Moggy

THAT WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Assiginack has received the following responses to the Rural Parks and Municipal Properties Maintenance Tender:

Bidder 2016 2017 2018 Total
Barry Foisy – Windows Unlimited $8,588.00 $8,588.00 $8,588.00 $25,764.00
Gino Cacciotti $9,605.00 $10,735.00 $11,300.00 $31,640.00

NOW THEREFORE THAT the tender of Barry Foisy – Windows Unlimited be accepted in the amount of $25,764.00 inclusive of HST. CARRIED


#434-28-15      H. Moggy – L. Fields

THAT Council accepts the monthly – actual versus budget comparison report as at October 31st, 2015. CARRIED


#435-28-15      B. Case – L. Fields

THAT we provide a Christmas Bonus of $150 for each full time employee and $75 for each seasonal or part-time employee of the Township. CARRIED AS AMENDED



#436-28-15      H. Moggy – L. Fields

THAT we acknowledge receipt of the following correspondence items:

  1. Ministry of Citizenship, Immigration, and International Trade – Volunteer Recognition Programs
  2. Ernie Hardeman, MPP – Local Government Week
  3. Report of OGRA Nominating Committee
  4. Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services – Refugee Resettlement
  5. Ministry of Transportation – Senior Driver Education Program
  6. Ministry of Finance – Changes to Property Tax System
  7. Township of Neebing – Consultation on the Police Services Act
  8. Champlain Township – Review of the New OPP Billing Model
  9. Manitoulin Island Cycling Advocates. CARRIED



#437-28-15      L. Fields – H. Moggy

THAT in accordance with By-law #15-30 as amended and Section 239 of the Municipal Act as amended, Council proceeds to a “Closed Session (in-camera)” at 7:25 p.m. in order to attend to a matter pertaining to:

  1. a) The security of the property of the Municipality or Local Board. CARRIED


#438-28-15      H. Moggy – L. Fields

THAT we adjourn from our Closed Session at 8:08 p.m., approve the minutes of the Closed Session of November 17th, 2015 and resume our regular meeting.  CARRIED



#439-28-15      L. Fields – H. Moggy

THAT we adjourn until the next regular meeting or call of the Chair.  CARRIED


_______________________________          _____________________________

Paul Moffatt, MAYOR                                     Jeremy Rody, CLERK


8:10 p.m.

These Minutes have been circulated but are not considered Official until approved by Council.

