By-law #15-30: Procedural By-law
BEING A BY-LAW to Govern the Proceedings of Council and Committees and Boards of Council.
BEING A BY-LAW to Govern the Proceedings of Council and Committees and Boards of Council.
BEING A BY-LAW of the Township of Assiginack respecting construction, demolition, change of use permits, inspections, and fees.
BEING A BY-LAW of the Township of Assigiack to establish a Municipal Alcohol Policy
BEING A BY-LAW for the licensing and requiring the registration of dogs and for the control and keeping of dogs within the Township of Assiginack Application for Tags
BEING A BY-LAW to regulate parking for snow removal
BEING A BY-LAW to establish standards for the maintenance of property in a clean, clear and safe condition.
Being a by-law to license trailers in the Township. For questions/information please email: Perry Newman
BEING A BY-LAW to provide for the adoption of tax rates and to further provide for penalty and interest in default of payment thereof for 2021.
BEING A BY-LAW of the Corporation of the Township of Assiginack to amend By-laws #98-02 and #98-03 to set annual water rates for the Sunsite Estates subdivision and annual water and sewage rates for Manitowaning.
For questions, contact Perry Newman By-law #22-07: Short Term Accommodation By-law #22-07: Schedule A2_Short Term Accommodation Application